I ordered a bunch of stuff @ Fuck Yoga a few weeks ago (of which some stuff will be reviewed later on as well!) and Ivan was kind enough to add the Dazd CD with my package. To be honest, I never heard of the band before and that's not thát strange, as Dazd is from Serbia and not a lot of music (besides some folk maybe) get's exported to (Western) Europe, but I'm quite happy I got a chance to get to know them, because what they bring is pretty cool. A mixture of metal and crust/punk, not too far from Amebix. The album is quite diverse, some songs are slow and melodic, others are uptempo and straightforward but there's always a mystical doomvibe present. The production is quite good and has a nice old school feeling to it as well. Yup, a fine discovery... and to know that the band's been around for almost 15 years! I have some catching up to do! Check'm out!