Asshole Parade, the uncrowned kings of fastcore, are backfrom a (short) hiatus. Not only do they play live again but they've also released a new EP, called "Welcome Fucking Home". And it's tits. To be honest, I didn't own any release from AP up 'til this one (yeah yeah, shame on me...), so I can't really compare it to previous releases but it doesn't take a genious to figure out that this release is example of how fastcore should be played: FAST! The 7 tracks on this EP are raging, the only time you're allowed to gasp for air is on the epic "Much Preesh" track (also my favorite track of this EP actually), with a long and threatening doom riff in it. All the rest is a smashfest of everything faster than everything else. The kings have taken their rightful fastcore throne again - with ease! And that we can only applaud.
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