3 CDs full of grindcore, deathmetal, hardcore, crust and what not, a collection of all the "Peel Session" by the 7 legendary bands that are Napalm Death, Extreme Noise Terror, Carcass, Bolt Thrower, Godflesh, Heresy, Unseen Terror and Intense Degree, that must be good, no? Well I was and still am quite sceptic about it actually. First of all because it's on Earache Records. I'm not the person that is against certain labels but seriously, what good grindcore release has Earache brought out the last decade? Except for the Insect Warfare rerelease and maybe the last Terrorizer album - Nothing! Zero! Nada! And all of a sudden they release this thing, with band that all left Earache Records some time ago. To me, that smells like someone's trying to make money of something they've left in the corner of damnation for the past 10 years.
Other than that are some of the recordings of the bands of doubtful quality. I know the scene police will threaten to rape my dog for this but it has to be said: some of it is utter shait. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all for the pollished recordings that metalbands tend to have these days, but when you can't recognize one song from another, the fun ends for me.
So why SHOULD you buy this thing?
Because most of the recordings are decent to great. Because we're talking about fuckin' Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower, Heresy, ... here! Because it comes in nice packaging, with nice artwork and a cool booklet and because it's a nice collectors item for your already way too big collection! Thát's why!
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